3 Ways A Long Term Disability Attorney Will Help You Win Your Claim

Severe medical conditions can prevent you from working and may eventually make you lose your job. It can also cause depression, anxiety, and other worse problems. Long-term disability, in particular, can be a financial, physical, and emotional burden. Unfortunately, it can happen to anybody at any time. If you find yourself in this state, hiring a long-term disability attorney is advisable. Here are ways these lawyers will help you win your claim. [Read More]

Child Custody And Testimony: What Parents Need To Know

During a divorce proceeding, there may be testimonies necessary. An issue you might encounter is whether or not you wish to have your children involved in the testimony process. The following are some things you need to know about having your children testify during your divorce: Does the Court Allow Child Testimony During Divorce? In many cases, children are allowed to testify during a divorce. Age is an important consideration when deciding if a child should testify. [Read More]

5 Benefits Of Working With A Real Estate Tax Attorney

Filing property taxes is something property owners can do themselves without hiring a professional. However, there are several reasons people hire a real estate tax attorney to assist with the task of filing their taxes. Here are 5 benefits of working with a real estate tax lawyer when filing property taxes. Avoid Penalties for Late Payment If you do not pay your taxes on time, you will be charged with interest that starts accumulating from day one until you finally pay up or enter into an agreement with the tax authorities. [Read More]

Involved In An Accident Without A License: What To Expect

According to the terms of the law, no person should operate a motor vehicle without a valid drivers' license. However, for a variety of reasons, people sometimes find themselves behind the wheel without this required credential. While an already poor situation, when the person driving the vehicle is involved in an accident in which they are not at fault, the matter can become even more complex. Truth is Critical If your license is revoked, suspended, or expired, go ahead and tell the truth right away. [Read More]