Common Truck Driver Injuries That Don't Involve Crashes

As a truck driver, the premier injury threat you face is that of getting involved in a crash. However, truck crashes are not the only injury risks, others include:


Injuries occasioned by falling are common with truck drivers, especially those who do more than truck driving on a daily basis (and there are many like these). There are two forms of falls that truck drivers have to worry about. The first is falling from an elevated position, for example, falling from the back of the truck during an exit or falling into a hole or during unloading. The second is falling on the same level, such as a slip and fall injury during loading and unloading.

Injuries common with falling accidents include things like sprains, cuts, fractures, among others. The extent of the injury will depend on the part of your body that hits the ground first, the height of the elevation, and the nature of the ground on which you fell.

Being Struck By Objects

Another injury you should worry about as a truck driver is being struck by an object. This type of injury can take two forms:

  • You can get stuck by an object falling from above, such as a box that was carelessly stuck on top of another
  • You can get stuck by a moving object, such as a runway loading trolley
  • You can hit a stationary object, for example, when hurrying through a loading deck to reach a deadline

Common objects that cause these injuries include moving boxes, vehicle parts, loading and unloading equipment, and truck doors, among other things. In this case, the extent of the injury will depend on things like the shape of the offending object, how high the object has fallen, how fast you were going, and among other factors.

MSD Injuries

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are those that affect the ligaments, joints, muscles, bones of your body. MSD injuries can be sudden or they may flare up after numerous "minor" injuries. You can incur MSD injuries when you twist your body too much, when you try to lift a heavy object, when you make too many repetitive movements. Most of these injuries are associated with overexertion which isn't surprising given the long hours truck drivers work and varied duties they do.

Don't forget that you are entitled to workers' compensation benefits for all injuries as long as you were injured on the job. Consult a workers' compensation law firm, like Gilbert, Blaszcyk & Milburn LLP, to help you with any injury claim you may have.
