How An Attorney Can Help An Accident Victim

An auto accident is the type of incident that can change lives within seconds if it is severe. The drivers of the vehicles and their passengers can all suffer from injuries that makes it difficult or impossible to work and make a living. If you were in an accident that led to severe injuries for you and your passengers, legal action might be needed. Each of you can hire an attorney to assist with getting compensated, but the case will only be successful if you did not cause the accident. This article explains what an attorney can do to take care of your personal needs in the traumatic situation:

Help with Determining if the Case is Worth Pursuing

Just because you might think that you have a strong case against the other party, it doesn't mean that you do. There are things that must be assessed to determine if you actually have the legal right to sue the other party. For instance, if you were under the influence of alcohol during the collision, you might have some fault no matter who caused it to happen. Even something such as driving at a speed that is much lower than the speed limit can put some of the fault on you. An attorney will assess every aspect of the incident and let you know if it is worth taking legal action against the other party.

Get You the Highest Amount of Compensation Possible

If it is decided that the other party caused the accident, an attorney will agree to take your case. He or she will then work towards helping you to obtain the highest amount of compensation that is legally possible for your situation. You will be asked a few questions in regards to how the accident affected your health. For instance, the attorney will not only want information about your physical injuries but also about how you were affected mentally. Compensation will include things other than your injuries as well, such as pain and suffering.

Try to Keep the Legal Dispute Short

The process of suing someone for causing an accident can be complicated and long if not handled the right way. A long legal dispute can place a substantial amount of stress in your life, especially if you have to attend a lot of court sessions. To make the dispute shorter, an attorney will try to get a settlement from the other party without going to court to do so. The settlement process will begin with the attorney contacting the other party directly, or the attorney who represents him or her. Your attorney will basically try to settle the situation via mediation before pursuing actions in court.

Contact an attorney like Carl L. Britt, Jr. for more information and assistance. 
