2 Things You Can Do To Help Lighten Stress During A Divorce

If you are going through a divorce, you're probably experiencing a great deal of stress. Even if the divorce is the best thing for your mental health and your relationship, it is still hard to go through this major life change. Here are some things you can do to help manage the stress during a divorce.

1. Downsize Your Life

Sadly, one of the biggest stressors you may face are finances. Divorcing can be incredibly expensive. You will have to pay attorney's fees and all of the legal fees to file a divorce. This is why it is best if you can start saving early on to ensure that you have the money you need to pay the attorney.

But attorney's fees are not the only thing that will cause stress. You will be dividing your life in half. Perhaps you used to have a good income that you were able to manage together since you only had to pay for one house and one set of utility bills, you didn't have to pay for childcare because one parent was able to stay home, and so forth. Now your expenses could almost double, but you still have the same income. For this reason, start downsizing your life. If the divorce is in fact the best thing for you, you need to be able to let go of some of your more expensive belongings so that you can have better financial stability.

2. Don't Bring The Kids Into It

If you have children, you should leave them out of the divorce. Of course you are going to have to work out custody, but that doesn't mean that the children should be thrown in the middle of it. Too many couples use the children as leverage against their spouse. They prevent their children from spending time with one parent because they know it will hurt their ex-spouse. But really it is hurting the children more.

In addition, you should leave the children out of the legal process of the divorce. Unless there is some gross misconduct, you should never bring in the children to testify against the parent, or include them in the mediation. Even if your child seems mature enough, it will be scarring and can cause long-term damage that will be far more stressful than the actual divorce.

These are just two things that you can do to lighten the stress during a divorce. A divorce attorney can offer more tips.
